Holter blood pressure - portable blood pressure measurement

Holter blood pressure in jordan

Holter blood pressure - portable blood pressure measurement

24-Hour Blood Pressure Monitor
A 24-hour blood pressure monitor is a device placed on the patient's arm and taken home. The device measures blood pressure every half hour throughout the day. All measurements are collected and analyzed to assess the patient's condition.
Who Needs It:
To confirm a diagnosis of high blood pressure.
To evaluate the effectiveness of medication.
To investigate any irregularities in blood pressure readings.
Preparation and Use:
The monitor will be fitted on your arm by a healthcare professional before you leave the clinic.
The device will automatically measure your blood pressure every 30 minutes.
Continue with your daily activities while wearing the device.
Keep a log of any symptoms or activities that might affect your blood pressure during the monitoring period.
After the Monitoring Period:
Return to the clinic to have the device removed.
The collected data will be analyzed by your doctor.
Your doctor will discuss the results with you and may adjust your treatment plan based on the findings.
We wish all patients a speedy recovery.

Dr. Ghassan Al-Shawabkeh

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